Integrating with Automizy
How to integrate with Automizy?
Agiled integrates with Automizy to sync Leads.
To integrate with Automizy go to Settings - Integrations and select Automizy.
It will take you to Automizey settings. You need API token from Automizy to integrate it with Agiled.
How to get Automizy API Key?
To get your Automizy API token go to Settings - API token from your Automizy account.
Click Create Token to create API Token.
Copy the API Key from Automizy to Agiled and click on Get Lists .
Sync Leads To Automizy
To sync leads to Automizy choose Automizy List you want to sync to under the Syncing to Automizy and click Sync.
Agiled will sync all the leads from Agiled to Automizy.
Sync Leads from Automizy
To sync leads from Automizy to Agiled select the Automizy list you want to get leads from undr Syncing From Automizy setting and click Sync.
Agiled will get all the leads from Automizy and sync them with Leads. All the duplicates will be automatically discarded by Agiled.