Integrating With SendFox
How to integrate Agiled with SendFox?
Agiled integrates with SendFox to sync contacts with SendFox.
You can sync contacts from and to SendFox.
To setup SendFox integration go to Settings - Integrations and click on SendFox.
To integreate with SendFox you will need SendFox Token.
To get SendFox Token follow the help article below.
Or go to from your SendFox account and create new token.
Copy and paste the token in Agiled's SendFox settings page.
Syncing to SendFox
To sync contacts to SendFox you have 2 options.
- Sync All Contacts: Sync all contacts from Agiled to SendFox.
- Sync Contacts for Specific Date: Sync contacts for specific date to Agiled.
After choosing your desired option click Sync to sync contacts to SendFox.
Sync from SendFox
Syncing contacts from SendFox also comes with 2 options.
- Sync all contacts from SendFox
- Sync contacts for specific date.
Choose the option which suits your needs and click Sync.