Accepting Payments with Paypal

How to start accepting payments with Paypal?

To start accepting payments with Paypal you need to add Paypal API keys in Agiled.

Go to Settings - Payment Gateways and copy paste your API keys in the Paypal settings. 

Copy Client ID and Secret from Paypal, select the environment and click save.

How to get Paypal API keys?

Here are the instructions by Paypal to get your API Keys. or you can follow the instructions given below to get Paypal API keys. 

To start accepting payments with Paypal you need to add Paypal API keys to Agiled. 

To create Paypal API keys go to Paypal Developer Portal from your Paypal Business Account and create a new application. 

You can create API keys in sanbox environment or Live environment. 

Enter the application name and click create.

This will create your API credentials 

Additionally you can create webhooks for Paypal payments to get updates about the Paypal payments. 

To create webhook scroll down to Webhooks on API details page and click Add Webhook.

Add the following URL in the Webhook and check Payment, Customer and Checkout related events.

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