Creating Tasks
You can manage tasks with ease in Agiled.
To manage tasks go to Tasks -> All Tasks and click on Add task button.
It will take you to Add New Task screen.
Enter following details of the task
- Project : Select the project this task is related to. This is optional as you can also create independent tasks.
- Choose Task Category. You can also create task categories instantly.
- Task Title: Enter name of the Task e.g Create Website
- Description : Enter the details of the tasks, there is no word limit and you can format the details as you want.
- Dependent Task: Choose if this task is dependent on another task and choose the task on which this task is dependent.
- Enter Start Date and Due Date of the task
- Choose the team mate or employee to assign this task.
- Repeat: Choose if the task is a recurring task and set repeat frequency.
- Choose if the task is billable or not.
- Priority: Choose the task priority.
- Attach files related to this task
- Click Save.