Creating Invoices

How to create an Invoice in Agiled?

To create an invoice, go to Finance -> Invoiceand click on Plus button. 

This will take you to create invoice screen.

Adding an invoice in Agiled

Follow the steps given below to create an invoice.

  1.  Add invoice number (Number is automatically generated but you can enter any number you like).
  2. Choose Project (This is optional, you can create invoice without a project).
  3. Choose Client from the dropdown.
  4. Enter Invoice Issue Date
  5. Enter Invoice Due Date
  6. Choose Currency for the invoice.
  7. If you want to invoice client on recurring basis, choose yes from the recurring drop down.
  8. Choose Billing Frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).
  9. Billing Interval (Choose after how many days, weeks and months you want to create and send an invoice e.g after 3 days, after 5 months etc)
  10. Billing Cycle (Choose how many invoices you want to send e.g 10,15)
  11. Click on the Products and choose already saved products and all the information will be automatically pulled for you.
  12. Or add item details manually.
  13. Add Quantity of the product.
  14. Add taxes from the already saved settings for items or create new tax settings.
  15. Add as many items as you want.
  16. Add any discount you want to give to your customer.
  17. Add notes for the customer ( Notes can contain payment terms, bank details or other information for your customer)
  18. Click Save.
  19. Invoice will be created and you can now send invoice to your customer via a link or email. 
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