Creating and Sharing Forms in Agiled


Forms are an integral part of Agiled, allowing you to gather valuable information from leads, create questionnaires, establish client submission forms, and more. This guide will provide a quick overview of creating and sharing forms in Agiled.

Creating Forms

1. **Navigate to Forms**: On the Agiled dashboard, go to CRM and select Forms.

2. **Create a New Form**: Click on "New Form" and choose the type of form you wish to create.

3. **Configure Form Settings**: Choose actions for form submission and successful submissions, assign a sales agent (optional), set an expiry date (optional), and connect workflows if necessary.

4. **Proceed to Builder**: Click "Proceed to Builder" to create your form.

Using Form Builder

Form Builder in Agiled allows you to drag and drop widgets to create a form.

1. **Add Widgets**: Drag and drop widgets such as Heading, Text, Input Field, and Text Area to your form.

2. **Customize Widgets**: Customize each widget as per your requirement. You can change the style, color, size, alignment, and more.

3. **Map Fields**: If you're creating a lead form, you can map the form fields to your CRM fields. For example, you can map the name field in your form to the name field in the CRM.

4. **Save Form as a Template**: You can save your form as a template for future use. Click "Save" and then "Save as Template". Provide a name for your template and click "Save".

Layout Options

Agiled offers various layout options. For instance, you can add a two-column layout to your form and add different input fields to each column.

Sharing Form

1. **Share Form Link**: To share the form link, click "Share", copy the link, and share it with your users.

2. **Embed Form**: To embed the form on your website, copy the embed code and paste it on your website or landing page.


Creating and sharing forms in Agiled is a simple and intuitive process. These forms can serve a variety of purposes, such as gathering information from leads, creating questionnaires, and more. If you have any questions related to forms, feel free to reach out to the Agiled support team at [email protected]. Thank you for following this guide.

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